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La Befana 晚上来了2剧情介绍

影片别名:La Befana vien di notte 2,讲述It’s the 18th century, and Paola (Massenti), a delinquent street kid who’s always looking for trouble, unexpectedly finds herself stymying the plans of the terrible Baron De Michelis (De Luigi), a small, hunchbacked man who is never without his faithful yet ill-treated servant Marmotta (Ballerina) and who harbours a boundless thirst for power teamed with an immeasurable hatred of witches. The sweet but incredibly powerful Dolores (Bellucci) - a good witch who dedicates her life to children – steps in and saves Paola from an already burning stake. Between magical learnings, fast-paced pursuits, incredible transformations and a whole lot of trouble, Paola discovers that destiny has something very special in store for her.影视类型:喜剧/奇幻,上映日期:2021-12-30(意大利),关注本站,了解La Befana 晚上来了2什么时候上映?La Befana 晚上来了2好看吗?


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